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Popular Restaurant Just Outside Atlanta

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

VeGreen, Duluth, Georgia

The place we went to this week was VeGreen outside of Atlanta, Georgia. We ordered the Tofu Nori Soup. They did not offer many options that had tofu, but what we found was still incredibly good. The tofu in the soup was plain, although that's what we expect in a dish like this. Also, the tofu was very soft (we think it was soft tofu or medium tofu) which added some texture to the soup. There is really no prep for this kind of tofu (they just chop it and throw it in), even though it’s perfectly traditional, it’s not that special. The broth needed flavor, there was just something that was not right with it. If they just added miso that would have sold the soup to us. The restaurant used seaweed to help flavor the broth; however, this tasted like this was the only flavor to it. It seemed like they hoped for the seaweed to bring out all of the taste, although it didn't happen. Personally I feel like they only need to add miso, and to earn the 5 stars, they could sprinkle a bit of rice/seaweed/sesame mix on top.

VeGreen had a lot of other great foods and the proportions are very nice for what you pay. We actually had leftovers and that doesn't usually happen. Everyone at our table, which was pretty sizable, was very happy with what they ordered. We’d love to return and try the many other items on the menu!

Whole dish: 3

Tofu: 3

Tofu contributing to the whole: 3.5


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1 Comment

Mar 06, 2023

Miso is so easy and makes for such a rounded out flavor, a key missing ingredient! I’m going to try seaweed sprinkles on my next soup like this—a great idea!

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